
口味 5.0
环境 5.0
服务 5.0
  • I visited with my girlfriend on Sat. 7th May, the day that she was due to go into hospital to be induced ...three days later, our daughter was born... So our last outing and lunch will forever be remembered, not only because of what was about to come, but because Kilau is a special place indeed: she and I met for the first time six years ago at Kilau on Little Belmont Street, which sadly closed down since, but the manager has moved from there to the Old Aberdeen venue and it feels very much like the 'old' Kilau that my girlfriend and I used to frequent ... I have countless stories of coffees, lunches, brunches, etc. that I had at the Little Belmont Street Kilau, and I am pleased that the food style and coffees at the Old Aberdeen Kilau are just as good... My girlfriend and I had a houmous, olive, and sun-dried tomato focaccia, and a butternut, pine-nut and halloumi salad: both of them were absolutely delicious, and we thoroughly enjoyed our drinks too. It is also nice to see that, being as it was a nice day, there were chairs at the back of Kilau in a little (open) courtyard, which is a great addition to the experience. Six years on, it is great to see the Kilau brand living on, and I would absolutely recommend this place to everyone - as I have done all these years! Thank you x


  • 地        址: 57 High Street | Old Aberdeen, Aberdeen AB24 3EH, Scotland
  • 标        签: 其他 咖啡店
  • 电        话:
  • 营业时间: 月 - 金:8:00 - 18:00;土:10:00 - 17:00;




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