Mezcal Mexican Restaurant

Mezcal Mexican Restaurant  

  • 3 分享餐厅
  • 3条点评 | 写点评
  • This is a reasonably priced cozy, Mexican- decorated and themed restaurant which I have enjoyed many times. Some dishes are just a...

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  • This is a reasonably priced cozy, Mexican- decorated and themed restaurant which I have enjoyed many times. Some dishes are just average but some like the chicken in chocolate sauce and chicken with chili and honey are especially good and worth a try. The soups are uniformly good. But ask for and try the tortilla soup (not shown on the menu). It is chock-full of cubed chicken and very good. They serve Hungarian food ,too and the goulash soup is excellent. It is reasonably priced, but especially affordable on Sundays when there is 30% off food and 20% off beverages. Service is usually good.


  • Stole money from me and ripped me off! Read to get the whole story! I went to this restaurant because it was around the corner from my hotel, and I had been away from home for a while and wanted some Mexican food. I sat on the patio, the weather was nice, and the service was decent. I ordered a burrito, which tasted sort of bland, but it wasn't that surprising considering what I assume is a low Mexican population in Hungary. Anyways, my bill came to 4,575 HUF, which is fine. But when it came time to pay, the waiter informed me that they only accepted cash. So I ran down the street to the ATM and came right back. Here's where it gets crazy. By mistake, I must have taken out 50,000 HUF instead of 5,000. My mistake, of course; I was still trying to adjust to the exchange and dealing with bills appearing to be worth so much. But that doesn't account for the fact that I handed the waiter the 50,000 (thinking it was 5,000) and receiving back only 425 HUF!! He took 45,000 HUF from me and didn't say a word! And there's no way he couldn't have noticed it either; he's Hungarian and must be familiar with the bills! I didn't realize the mistake until I checked my bank balance the next day (once I had already left the city, unfortunately) and saw my account balance was way lower than it should have been. Then I realized what had happened, and I was livid! At this point, I looked into the reviews for this place (too little, too late) and it really confirmed my suspicions. The staff are not honest, and they are certainly trying to rip off their customers!! So, moral of the story is, use caution when eating at this restaurant, check your bill carefully, and make sure they give you back the right amount of change.


  • This cozy restaurant has many great dishes on its menu though I wouldn't brook a trip across town to dine here. But, if you're in the area, especially if you call ahead on a Sunday, it is well worth the effort. On Sunday, food and drinks are discounted 30%. As I mentioned, dishes like fajitas and burritos are just average. But the soups are outstanding as are some of the main entrees. I especially recommend the chicken in chocolate sauce (mole), Chicken with chili and honey (Mex Chicken). The chicken with plums (silva) is also nicely done. If you choose selectively, you won't be disappointed.


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  • 人 均: ¥127(来自用户反馈)
  • 菜 系:
    拉美料理 墨西哥菜
  • 电 话: +36 1 780 9377
  • 地 址: Tompa utca 14., 布达佩斯 匈牙利
  • 营业时间:休息中 12:00营业
  • 免责申明:*仅提供信息展示,如信息有误请及时联系我们




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