• 3 分享餐厅
  • 4条点评 | 写点评
  • 悉尼南区Sutherland郡,有一家隐密在艺术画廊里的咖啡馆。她不是网红餐厅,确是当地居民的心头好。艺术馆属公益事业,餐厅是艺术馆的亮点,...

    来自 MissHermioneGranger 的点评

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  • 悉尼南区Sutherland郡,有一家隐密在艺术画廊里的咖啡馆。她不是网红餐厅,确是当地居民的心头好。艺术馆属公益事业,餐厅是艺术馆的亮点,并为艺术馆带来不少人气。咖啡馆几乎是从早忙到晚的,客人总是不断。早餐、午餐、甚至还经常会有晚间event。早、午餐的菜单会根据季节调整,也会不断有创新菜式。各式创意鸡尾酒会让人心旷神怡,一个早上、一个中午乃至一个下午…… 可以不同时间来此发呆、看书、观展、会友。咖啡馆外有开阔的草地、精巧的小桥流水、随处可见的长椅…… 这里就像是隐藏在一片绿洲之中的世外桃源。
    <ctag id="67139" type="4" wxurl="https://m.ctrip.com/webapp/you/tripshoot/paipai/topicPage/topicPage?seo=0&isHideHeader=true&isHideNavBar=YES&navBarStyle=white&autoawaken=close&popup=close&topicId=67139&isMini=2" >#旅行的100种玩法</ctag>


  • My mother, my grandmother and myself went to the cafe for lunch and I really just wished we stayed home. There are a multitude of reasons for this; 1. Staff are horrible! They are unbelievably rude and act as though you are beneath them. Not only this but serving you appears to be such a chore with every staff member acting as though they are going above and beyond just to do their job. 2. Food is so expensive!!! It's like one of those fancy restaurants where you pay $20 for a meal that is barely big enough to be called an appetiser! 3. Also, don't expect to be served your meal in the near future. My grandmother was the second person to order after lunch began, meaning our meals would be the second fastest to arrive and we waited for half an hour for a slice of toast with mushrooms and roquette and two reheated tarts ... 4. I find it very strange that there was "No changes to menu accepted" when there is not one vegetarian or vegan option. Some people including myself want to live by our ethical choices each meal and this didn't seem like a very welcomed opinion. Not to mention people with allergies and dietary needs; Who knows, they'll probably just have to go hungry. 5. For $20 per meal you think it would be table service. Well think again. You have to line up and order and get your own table water and glasses. Not that any of the staff inform you that because they're so busy not doing they're job. It's more of a 'you figure it out' situation. I could go on but who would read more of this already knowing how terrible this cafe is. The point being save yourself time and money by not going, especially when you'll be looked down upon by staff and made to feel insignificant.


  • Very nice and quite, lovely position and quite close to home. It is so nice to walk round the gardens after lunch.


  • What a special place is the Hazelhurst Cafe. Situated on the grounds of the Hazelhurst Gallery, nestled behind the Gymea shopping precinct, the cafe offers very good food and a comfortable view of the beautiful landscaped gardens. Of course, there is the art gallery to peruse, activities for the kids and a lovely brook meandering through the grounds. Treat yourself to some peaceful time over some delightful cafe coffee and food. You won't be disappointed!


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  • 人 均: 暂无
  • 菜 系:
    其他 咖啡店
  • 电 话: +61 2 8536 5755
  • 地 址: 782 Kingsway, Gymea新南威尔士州 澳大利亚
  • 营业时间:营业中 09:00-16:00
  • 免责申明:*仅提供信息展示,如信息有误请及时联系我们




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