• 3.8 分享餐厅
  • 4条点评 | 写点评
  • I went with my family to Cafe 52 for my graduation celebratory meal and it did not disappoint! With a good selection of both start...

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口味 5.0
环境 5.0
服务 5.0
  • I went with my family to Cafe 52 for my graduation celebratory meal and it did not disappoint! With a good selection of both starters and main courses everyone at the table was delighted with their meal. Restaurant was very busy but staff still excellent and attentive. Will definitely be returning


  • Having visited on Thursday 2nd June for dinner with my partner, my sister, and her husband, I was impressed once again by the quality of the food and of the staff... I have been eating here many times over the years and found it always a good experience, for light lunches as for full meals... The food was great and I certainly was not disappointed, nor were my fellow diners! I love the ambience, the location, the decor, the food, and the wine list... I would definitely recommend this to anyone visiting Aberdeen! Try to get into the little partitioned room by the entrance door, if you can, as it makes for a more intimate experience! Thanks, Cafe 52!


  • After asking the waitress for a gluten free menu, she returned with the main menu marked up with the gluten free options. I chose the Risotto with Parmesan Crisp which was absolutely delicious. However, on my way home I had to stop the car twice to be sick and am absolutely certain that it was this meal which contained gluten as I had only eaten food prepared by myself earlier in the day. I phoned the next day and was told that someone would call me back. That was 3 days ago and I am very disappointed that they were not concerned enough to return my call and to confirm that they would check their ingredients to ensure that what is advertised as gluten free is actually gluten free. Especially in light of recent events elsewhere in the catering business. As a coeliac I put my trust in providers to ensure that their food is gluten free and will not make me ill for a considerable length of time. I am still recovering and what would have been a wonderful weekend spent with family was marred.


  • Escaping the office for lunch, I made a welcome return to Cafe 52 and wasn't disappointed! The food was top notch as always and great value. The restaurant has a wonderful relaxing atmosphere and the aromas from the kitchen fire your appetite. The lunch time menu has a tempting selection of dishes which include salads and sandwiches. I went for the soup and sandwich combo which gives you a generous bowl of soup and a tasty sandwich. Perfect for a light lunchtime bite. The staff were very helpful and friendly, but the service was a little slow. Mind you, who is in a rush to get back to work! ;-)


  • 口味:5  环境:5  服务:5    人均消费:180元
  • 主厨推荐的很棒的食物。 牛肉很嫩,做的完美。 食物就像是一个漂亮的在我嘴里融化Candle Melting Away在冬天的晚上。 漂亮的花园,可以在绿色食品和饮料。


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  • 人 均: ¥404(来自用户反馈)
  • 菜 系:
    西餐 英国菜
  • 电 话: +44 1224 590094
  • 地 址: 52 The Green, Aberdeen AB11 6PE, Scotland
  • 营业时间:暂无
  • 免责申明:*仅提供信息展示,如信息有误请及时联系我们




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