Moghul Indian Restaurant

Moghul Indian Restaurant  

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  • I have been travelling to Newcastle...took the break for good dinner... The atmosphere is very cozy...cold service.... but surpris...

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  • I have been travelling to Newcastle...took the break for good dinner... The atmosphere is very cozy...cold service.... but surprisingly food was good .... had samosa, aloo papri chat as entree & good chicken tikka & prawn masala.... recommended only for food quality...


  • authentic Indian cuisine and ask for butter chicken and if you like spicy ask for beef vindaloo and garlic naan


  • Went to Deepa's for the first time last night. Confusingly the tripadviser listing is under Moghul although my receipt shows Deepa's and so I almost didn't write the review.. . Anyway, the food was great. The prawns were juicy and the spicy-ness of the Prawn Malabari ($17.90) was great. The Lamb Madras ($16.90) also had good flavour (though maybe the lamb was a little dry). We also tried the eggplant curry (Patiala Baingan - $11.90) was a milder dish. This was also very nice. Other people dining at the time also seemed to be greatly enjoying their meal. BTW, we like Indian food - I think their medium spicyness meals (the Prawn n Lamb) had a good balance of heat and flavour. One day we'll need to try one of their vindaloo dishes to see if it is too spicy for us! We found the service fine although a little slow - but we weren't expecting fast food and so I think the timing was OK. In addition the waiter actually suggested that the 3 mains + 1 rice + 2 naan might be too much for us to eat. We problem as we could doggy-bag the leftovers - which we did! Overall layout/atmosphere is English pub-ish rather than Indian restaurant (e.g. booths with benches in addition to the usual tables). Perhaps a make-over is due but then good food is what it is about rather than paying for a location. We will be back to see how their offerings of our more usual pick of butter chicken and dhaal etc compare with other places we've eaten.


  • The Manager at this Restaurant has got to be the worst I have come across. Its either he doesnt want to be working there or he just has a bad and arrogant personality. We went there with the family on Friday 5 December. I called up at around 7PM asking what time they close. The gentleman on the other end of the phone said they take the last orders at 9.30PM. We arrived at the restaurant at approximately 08:15PM. The moment we walked in, the fat controller (manager) said they were about to close. I told him about the conversation I had over the telephone. He insisted that they were closing at 9.30PM. Anyway, after a brief conversation, he allowed us to take a seat. There were only 1 other family in the restaurant. waited for 10minutes and no one came to serve us. One of us stood up and got the menu for us. After 10 minutes of getting the menu ourselves, the manager came to take our orders. By this time, I was sick of his attitude and I gave him a piece of my mind so he could change his attitude. Food came in after a while, entree and Mains at the same time! 30mins into our meals, the manager came and said they were closing in 5mins. We quickly ate what we could. There was some food left that we asked to be packed so we could take home. They took the food and it sat on the front desk until one of us reminded them. The manager came out arrogantly and said we would have to pay 30cents for each container. we said that was fine. He stood there in front of us and got us to pack the food away. All in all, great food but the service sucked. Would not dare going back to this place even if the food was free.


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  • 人 均: ¥349(来自用户反馈)
  • 菜 系:
    西餐 印度菜 其他西餐 东南亚菜
  • 电 话: +61 2 9487 6122
  • 地 址: L 1 18 Ingram Rd, WahroongaHornsby新南威尔士州 澳大利亚
  • 营业时间:休息中 17:00营业
  • 免责申明:*仅提供信息展示,如信息有误请及时联系我们




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