Peeping Som's Bar and Restaurant

Peeping Som's  

  • 3 分享餐厅
  • 3条点评 | 写点评
  • 二刷万荣,重温了一些老餐厅,也尝试了一些新餐厅。有惊喜,有意外,还有天雷。⭕️可以尝试1⃣培平颂餐厅-正宗老挝烧烤火锅📑老字号老挝...

    来自 Valerie雯雯 的点评

  • 概览与点评





口味 4.0
环境 4.0
服务 4.0
  • 二刷万荣,重温了一些老餐厅,也尝试了一些新餐厅。有惊喜,有意外,还有天雷。
    2⃣Green Restaurant
    3⃣Sanaxay Restaurant
    1⃣Banking Restaurant(培平颂餐厅旁)
    #当地才能吃到的美食 #当地特色小吃 #尝一尝地道老字号#好吃但平价的食物 #与世界重逢


  • 环境:4  服务:4   
  • Great
    I am absolutely in love with this restaurant. A very social way to eat dinner! The staff are also very helpful, and the location couldn''t be more perfect. I give this place my best recommendations!


  • My wife and I were craving Korean BBQ and walked down the street until we found a restaurant with a lot of Koreans in it :) As for Korean food, this place had two kinds on the menu: BBQ and Shabu Shabu. We ordered the traditional pork BBQ (samgyeopsal), but it ended up being a fusion of BBQ and Shabu Shabu (cook the raw meat on the hot plate, while letting vegetables cook in some broth below). We asked the Korean girls next to us if they knew what to do because this wasn't what we expected, but the girls had never seen this combination either. Didn't matter though because it was AMAZING. We all loved it. Having visited other places in Laos now, we've come to find out this fusion food is a normal Laos take on Korean BBQ. When we come back to Vang Vieng, this will be our first stop, because this was some of the best food we had in Laos.


  • I am absolutely in love with this restaurant. A fun way to cook your food, if you order the Lao or Korean BBQ. A very social way to eat dinner! The staff are also very helpful, and the location couldn't be more perfect. I give this place my best recommendations!


  • 口味:5  环境:5  服务:5   
  • 菜的味道非常棒,很值得尝试,人很多,服务也跟得上。很热情。


  • This was our first stop in Vang Vieng, and it didn't disappoint. Although the service was a bit slow, it was really crowded so it is understandable.The Mixed BBQ platter (70,000 kip = $9 USD) was more than enough for the three of us. However, we had no idea how to cook our food so we had to look around at the tables around us (which made it a funny, enjoyable learning experience). The buckets of Green Hornet (lao lao liquor, cream soda, and green soda) also got us nice and liquored up for the night!


  • I've been coming to Peeping Som's off & on for 5 years since it was just a little Lao/Thai restaurant & found it friendly & welcoming. In the last 2 months I have returned & it has changed dramatically to cater for the larger hoards of Korean & Chinese tourists. At first I though they were just busy, but the last time I visited we were plainly snubbed. We actually got served & placed our orders within 10 minutes, the Bia Laos & a couple of orders came out within 20 minutes. But then no more food or drinks came out for almost 2 hours. We watched as Chinese & Korean customers came in & were served , ate & paid the bills while we still waited for ours. The table next to ours had 3 different sets of diners whilst we waited. I had to ask staff 3 times what was happening, & the guy at the desk flat-out ignored me! When we finally got our meals 2 hours after initially being served. We never got the chance to order any more drinks because the waiters just didn't come to our table. Some meals such as the Phad Thai & Som Tam were uttterly unedible, & the girl who had some of the Som Tom got quite ill later. I definately won't be coming back.


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  • 人 均: 暂无
  • 菜 系:
  • 电 话: 58893709
  • 地 址: Main street, Just past Kang temple | next to Chilllao Guesthouse, Vang Vieng 1003, Laos
  • 营业时间:休息中 明天12:00营业
  • 免责申明:*仅提供信息展示,如信息有误请及时联系我们




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