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  • Have been eating at Parma for 20 years.....each meal is DELICIOUS...perfectly cooked and the most generous portions. What amazes m...

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  • Have been eating at Parma for 20 years.....each meal is DELICIOUS...perfectly cooked and the most generous portions. What amazes me is that it is truly an upper Eastside family restaurant.....with that old world feeling. The waiters are the same working for the last two decades--- Enzio is at the front of the restaurant to reach his " guests" and make them feel welcome. All veal and chicken specialities are delicious, many specials each evening, desserts all homemade......eating at Parma is sheer joy. NEVER had a bad meal there. BRAVO PARMA.!!!!!


  • I moved to Florida about a year ago after having lived in New York for 31 years and only two blocks from Parma. This was the neighborhood restaurant for me and my husband. In fact, we were such good customers that the owner/manager would call my husband at work when lamb chops were the special that evening. He loved their lamb chops that much! However, I believe Parma makes the best Bolognese in the city. I've tried the Bolognese sauce at many other places in the city, but Parma's is the best. I have brought various friends who also love spaghetti Bolognese and they have agreed with me as well. I always have the Parma salad to start and then the spaghetti Bolognese. I crave it living here in Florida, so whenever I visit NYC Parma is one of my first stops. The place is not sleek, and probably could use a little updating on its decor. But that's what keeps the place homey and comfy. The waiters are all old time professional waiters. The crowd can range from families and neighborhood people, some of whom are well known and not so well known.


  • Parma and its sister restaurant Nicola's uptown on 84th Street are family run iconic Italian restaurants on the Upper East Side. The founder died a couple of years ago and his only daughter runs the places now. Food is very similar at both restaurants; the only substantial differences are somewhat different ambience and decorations and of course the waitstaff -- most of whom have been at Parma for many years. The owner and all of the staff are very friendly and helpful, reciting long lists of special, answering questions, modifying dishes to order. Parma is small but the noise level is manageable, and it is fun to see how the regulars interact with the staff and other diners. Cleanliness is excellent, including in the Men's Room. Portions are gigantic; it is easy to get two or even three meals out of one order, which moderates the rather high prices. My three star rating is on the verge of four stars based on those points. But -- the food tends to be heavy by today's lighter cooking Italian styles. If you like the Italian food of thirty years ago, you will love the place. For my companion and myself, though, the new sparkle and lightness of Italian favorites is too compelling. Nice touches include bread and breadsticks on being seated and a plate of cookies at the end of the meal. The wines are fairly priced for NYC but the list is very limited. Hard drinks and cocktails are very generous.


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  • 人 均: ¥537(来自用户反馈)
  • 菜 系:
    意大利菜 西餐
  • 电 话: (212) 535-3520
  • 地 址: 1404 3rd Ave, 纽约市, NY
  • 营业时间:休息中 明天12:00营业
  • 免责申明:*仅提供信息展示,如信息有误请及时联系我们




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