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  • Small market close to the Art Museum that has sandwiches made to order and a hot bar for breakfast sandwiches or a hot lunch to go...

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  • Small market close to the Art Museum that has sandwiches made to order and a hot bar for breakfast sandwiches or a hot lunch to go. There is an outside seating area but it is not covered. Clientele is mostly the workers in the office building where it is located. Food is okay but it is a good choice if you need to grab breakfast or lunch to go.


  • On my way to the Seattle Art Museum, late morning, I was hungry, just looking for "something" when I glanced at the second floor windows of a place on the south side of University near the museum. Name of the place is "Melange" They showed "breakfast, lunch and more". I figured it might be the kind of place I could at least fill the hunger hole. I climbed the stairs to the entry actually on the back of the building on the 2nd floor. Once inside I was surprised by the good variety of different kinds of freshly prepared foods. It is a market but also has a small sit-down counter. It looked like they did a pretty good lunch trade and for good reason. I ordered a teriyaki plate with steamed rice and found it to be some of the very best teriyaki I've ever eaten and I'm a teriyaki snob. Excellent grilled flavor with just the right spiciness and sweetness. This place was a real find. I have recommended it to others and if ever in Seattle again, will definitely go there again. They also had a selection of deli sandwiches and other hot meals such as good old fashioned turkey dinner with mashers and gravy. The staff was friendly and appropriately laid back in the Seattle way.


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