Ta Psarakia Kai Thalassina Kifisia

Ta Psarakia Kai Thalassina  

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  • First of all I 'd like to sort things out: the restaurant is located at Kato Kifissia, very close to the national road. The ad...

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  • First of all I 'd like to sort things out: the restaurant is located at Kato Kifissia, very close to the national road. The address mentioned is correct, the map however totally wrong. I 've been there many times and I 've never left dissappointed. It's a simple fish restaurant and that's what is best about it: it doesn't pretend to be anything more. They serve really tasty food ( I 've tried almost everything in the menu ) at very reasonable prices. Although the restaurant is on a busy street, the place has a very relaxing, island-like vibe. The staff is also very polite and helpful. Go and you surely won't regret it.


  • Very nice surroundings (an old house refurbished in Halandri main square area), tasty fishfood, professional service (some more smiles would help though) and reasonable prices. Very nice prospects for success in a very competitive area.


  • Went there with some Greek friends recently without making a reservation cause, as I was told, they don't make reservations (!). We were there at 1pm, asked for a table and we were told that we had to wait for 45 minutes cause it was too crowded. So we waited along with 15-20 more people outside, in the cold, for the guy to call our name. Of course some other people that came later but were obviously coming quite a lot at this place (since they knew the servants by their first name) were able to get immediately in to have a seat. Anyway, we had to wait for over an hour to be called, which of course I think is unacceptable to be seated in a very crowded table, not having space to move. Not to mention that we asked to be seated at a non smoking table and we were seated in the room where everyone was smoking. The food was just "eatable". Nothing special and very expensive for what they serve. The overall impression is that it was a waste of time and money, surely not worth going there again, even for us that don't have the luxury of eating fresh fish and seafood back home. At least there are other places that have more quality food and much better service.


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  • 人 均: 暂无
  • 菜 系:
  • 电 话: +30 21 0620 3622
  • 地 址: 27 Ilission Kifisia, 基菲萨 希腊
  • 营业时间:暂无
  • 免责申明:*仅提供信息展示,如信息有误请及时联系我们




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