• 2 分享餐厅
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  • Casa Pino has an inviting, very Italian looking exterior and it was raining heavily enough that we walked in there. We ordered a g...

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  • Casa Pino has an inviting, very Italian looking exterior and it was raining heavily enough that we walked in there. We ordered a glass of the house pour and Marsala each, and a Penne Arabiatta and a Spaghetti Valverde. I'm sure they didn't really know what Marsala was as it took them some furious hunting and a phone call to get someone to identify it! That was our first sign of things to come. The pastas were awful - overcooked, mushy, drowning in tasteless sauces. To boot, the portions were pretty hefty. Very disappointing food and definitely not Italian!


  • One of the best pizzas i've ever had! Excellent from start to finish, including a secret sweet treat at the end! Service was great and we would return if we come back to Ansterdam in the future!


  • We stayed in Amsterdam for five day, we had an apartment in this neighborhood, near Casa Pino, but we luckily went there just once. The staff looked very friendly at the beginning. We ordered our pizzas (the menu was nothing special, but that was not a great problem). When the food arrived we got scared. It looked horrible and (much worse) its taste was more horrible. Ok, we are a group of italian guys, so maybe we are accustomed to a certain type of pizza, but we ate it in the UK, in Germany, in France, in Austria, in Czech Republic. Casa Pino's pizza is the worst we've ever eaten, definitely. When the owner asked if it was ok, we chose not to answer. Maybe he was offended, but that wasn't a good excuse to cheat us. He wanted us to pay almost 10€ more than what we owed to him. Awful experience. Don't go there, if you want a decent pizza. If you decide to try, always remember to check out the bill carefully.


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  • 菜 系:
  • 电 话: +31 20 675 2323
  • 地 址: Rijnstraat 17, 阿姆斯特丹 荷兰
  • 营业时间:休息中 13:30营业
  • 免责申明:*仅提供信息展示,如信息有误请及时联系我们




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