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  • Whilst living in Neukölln I have eaten here more than anywhere else. You should know that this is a cafe and takeaway and not a r...

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  • Whilst living in Neukölln I have eaten here more than anywhere else. You should know that this is a cafe and takeaway and not a restaurant. It's very good value and the dishes I've tried have all been nice. Particularly the lentil soup, Turkish Pizza, Pide, chickpea soup, and kofte soup. They bake their own bread and give generously. It's also one of the only places that has 'honest donner meat' by that I mean it actually looks and tastes like meat instead of the dog food were all used to seeing. It's right next to Rathaus Neukölln tube and I think it's usually open late. If you find this review helpful, please give me the 'thumbs up' by clicking in the icon. Thanks


  • While living in Berlin in 2011 I ate at a fair few middle-eastern eateries and kebab houses. I'm a fan of that kind of food in general, but also like the convenience and variety between establishments. There is a large arabic and Turkish community in Berlin, so no shortage of places to choose from. But of all the places I tried (mostly in Kreuzberg and Neukolln), the food at this place really stood out, both for quality and value. The place is run by a bunch of old guys (and a few younger ones) who prepare the food each day. There are all the usual options (kebabs, souvlakis, etc) but the really good stuff is in the large trays and pots. Get a plate of the daily main dish and you have a feast of (usually) chicken or (less often) lamb tagine/stew with home-baked bread and, optionally, rice (but only if you're REALLY hungry!). You can see this things behind the right-hand side of the glass counter. Note that they seem to run out of the popular stuff around 6pm, but serve regular kebabs until late. Having travelled in north Africa, I have experience of authentic middle-eastern food and this is among the best I've had. The first time I ate there I had that rare experience of never wanting it to end, and left so full I could hardly walk - and all for €4!! The informal atmosphere and lack of English make it a very different experience to 'proper' restaurants, but the food is better than in restaurants I've been to for ten times the price.


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  • 人 均: 暂无
  • 菜 系:
    土耳其菜 西餐
  • 电 话: 暂无
  • 地 址: Karl-Marx-Allee 73, Berlin 10243 Germany
  • 营业时间:暂无
  • 免责申明:*仅提供信息展示,如信息有误请及时联系我们




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