• 4 分享餐厅
  • 6条点评 | 写点评
  • Very pleasant and has a/c, which is so welcome at +100 degrees. Selection of E European wines which we''ve never had befor...

    来自 M30****3741 的点评

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口味 4.5
环境 4.5
服务 4.5
  • Very pleasant and has a/c, which is so welcome at +100 degrees. Selection of E European wines which we''ve never had before. Great friendly service and comfy atmosphere


  • 这家西餐馆位于加州奥克兰的学院大道,是一家装修比较时尚的餐馆,空间宽敞明亮,就餐环境很好。这里与其说是一家餐馆,不如说是一家啤酒吧,尽管这里的西餐做得不错。许多顾客来这里都是喝啤酒,晚上很热闹。


  • This is what a great wine be should be. Fun wines, educational. Wines I probably haven't experienced and probably would never see elsewhere except their place of origin. Changing wine list! Great tapas -- not just cheese and crackers.


  • Limited selection of food. Small plates that were a bit more expensive than I would have thought. Decent wine list. Server seemed to know the list but didn't seem overly deep in his knowledge of them. For the price there are better options in the neighborhood.


  • Met up with an old friend at the Barrel Room and really had a good time. Beautiful room, open to the street, excellent if not exotic wine selection. The owner suggested wines from the Canary islands, which were delicious. Had a few small bites with that and the food was great and complemented the wine nicely. Great place. Will come back.


  • Perhaps it was our mistake hoping to get a good meal in a place that focuses almost exclusively on wine but the menu looked promising. There was one server, and he seemed a bit overwhelmed by the questions being asked by wine connoisseurs. Who knows what was going on in the kitchen. Our first course was an appetizer that was nearly microscopic. Three tiny pieces of bread with tiny slivers of beets and a radish on top. Nice concept but honestly, two bites and it was gone. The salad seemed to present some difficulty. They forgot to include the parmesan cheese on mine. The waiter promised to bring it but we waited at least 15 minutes. it was tasty. The entree we ordered to share was a very rich pasta. Again the portion size was really tiny. It was tasty but inadequate as an entree even for one person. And we waited a great deal of time for it to arrive. The prices were high, the service minimal and whoever was in the kitchen must have seemed not to be able to organize things to get our food out in a timely manner. Very disappointing.


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  • 人 均: 暂无
  • 菜 系:
  • 电 话: +1 510-655-1700
  • 地 址: 5330 College Ave, 奥克兰, CA
  • 营业时间:营业中 15:00-22:30
  • 免责申明:*仅提供信息展示,如信息有误请及时联系我们




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