Xenri Japanese Cuisine

Xenri Japanese Cuisine  

  • 3 分享餐厅
  • 5条点评 | 写点评
  • 🇲🇾 关于KL一家老字号日式餐厅 地点隐秘!❤推荐理由:说实话 会懂这家也是因为姐妹是常客😍算一下 原来也光顾了至少8年!😘🖼...

    来自 漫游世界时光机 的点评

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  • 🇲🇾 关于KL一家老字号日式餐厅 地点隐秘!

    说实话 会懂这家也是因为姐妹是常客😍
    算一下 原来也光顾了至少8年!😘

    餐厅外的装潢简单 经过都不会被发现
    但一进来就能感受到 满满的日式风味 好有fu

    从氛围、环境、食物到服务都好赞 🥺

    预约可以request鲤鱼池旁的位子 很惬意

    🥢Xenri Japanese Cuisine#沉浸式入冬 #探寻老字号餐馆 #当地才能吃到的美食 #美食旬味会 #浪漫约会餐厅


  • 🇲🇾 KL | 环境高级感 可以午餐聚会
    【 Xenri Japanese Cuisine 】

    传统日式榻榻米风格,还有室内的鲤鱼池,就是冲着这个来拍照打卡的 😘

    ✨什锦夭妇罗套餐 💰48
    ✨盐烤鲭鱼套餐 💰32

    食材都新鲜好吃,份量也不会太少,还有味增汤、茶碗蒸和水果 ~~

    体验满满的高级感 ,环境舒适,和家人/朋友在这里午餐聚会都很适合~~

    想要室内鲤鱼池的座位记得提前预约、告知餐厅哦 🤗

    🥢Xenri Japanese Cuisine
    9, Lorong 4/137c, Bedford Business Park, 58200 Kuala Lumpur
    12PM - 2.30PM,6PM - 10.30PM#沉浸式入冬 #美食旬味会 #浪漫约会餐厅 #真香小吃大集合 #当地才能吃到的美食


  • Been coming here since I was a kid. Loving the place until recently when I visited(11june2016). They changed the menu, the price is higher, and they removed a ton of set meals. Really sad and angry that this recent change was a negative one. This might be my last time I come here after this change.


  • The service is good, food up to finest level. Can see the finest knife skill of the chef that chop the vegetable to the same even portion. Food are fresh, not oily, won't feel heavy.


  • Been eating at the Old Klang Road outlet quite frequently over the span of 1 year since I found this place. Price range is on the high side but quality wise is decent. What was a tad disappointing was the portion shrinkage from the bento lunch sets :( with a price increase. My family enjoyed the Sunday lunch buffet spread lots; in fact my mom who isn't a fan of Japanese cuisine requested for the buffet twice. Variety is acceptable and the quality of the buffet spread is better than those generic cheaper options out there (Saisaki gave me diarrhea - twice at TWO separate visits many moons ago). Service is attentive and there are tatami rooms and a beautiful Koi pond inside the restaurant itself. I will recommend to make reservations if you're planning to head down for their weekend buffet lunch as there are usually quite a crowd for that.


  • We visited the Xenri in Old Klang Road for dinner. We did not make any reservations when we arrived at about 7.15pm and the place was crowded. We waited for a while and was given a table after waiting for about 5 minutes. We ordered the Mini Kaiseki (6 course Japanese meal comprising sashimi, unagi with rice, chicken roll, tofu, mushroom, and soup), Kaisen Teppanyaki Zen (comprising assorted grilled seafood, fried rice, steam egg), and spider sushi roll. The Kaisen Teppanyaki Zen was delivered to our table after about 15 minutes together with 2 dishes of the Mini Kaiseki. We had to chase for the other 4 dishes of the Mini Kaiseki and spider sushi roll (after waiting for another 15 minutes) as they have apparently forgotten about the remaining dishes. Overall, the food is average and quite pricey. On our way out we note that a container of wasabi on top of a table (where customers shoes were kept on the lower shelves) just outside our room was left uncovered. We don't think we will visit this restaurant again in the near future.


写点评 你曾经游览过这里吗?快来分享你的旅行体验吧~~


  • 人 均: ¥240(来自用户反馈)
  • 菜 系:
  • 电 话: +60 3-7783 8118
  • 地 址: Lorong 4/137c Jalan 2/137C, 吉隆坡58000 马来西亚
  • 营业时间:营业中 12:00-22:30
  • 免责申明:*仅提供信息展示,如信息有误请及时联系我们




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