Restaurant Ruan Thip

Restaurant Ruan Thip  

  • 5 分享餐厅
  • 3条点评 | 写点评
  • I and my co workers we were there for dinner we ordered some Thai dishes the tests was so great.. I all loved there and we have to...

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泰式咖喱蟹 , 泰南咖喱鱼 , 虾饼 , 冬阴功汤 , 芒果糯米饭 , 菠萝炒饭 , 青木瓜沙律 , 泰式炒河粉



口味 5.0
环境 5.0
服务 5.0
  • I and my co workers we were there for dinner we ordered some Thai dishes the tests was so great.. I all loved there and we have to ordered some more rice because we really falling in love with all those .. We will come back there again for sure all food recommended.


  • 环境:5  服务:5    人均消费:250元
  • 非常道地的泰国餐厅,很少自由行游客,可以看到好多当地人在这家餐厅用餐,和那些跟团的。当地的朋友带我们去的,点了一些当地人平常吃的,还有出名的炸猪蹄,味道很好。值得推荐。环境不错,不会拥挤,很大,还有现场唱歌。


  • 口味:4  环境:3  服务:3   
  • 传统地道的泰国菜既中看,味道也不错。


  • After tasting the #1, #2 restaurant in Pak Nam area, we would say that this #3 should be the #1 restaurant on TA. After reading the excellent reviews on TA though #3, we decided to give it a try as most of the reviews are written by locals or Thai guests from other region and also from Asean countries. Not many knew about this place as it is more popularly known among locals and also consider far from main Krabi town. We actually walked from our U-Residence B&B and was at least 6km away. Took us a good 45mins walk in this heat (we walked from 6pm+). Was a nice thing to sweat too.. :p Definitely must order their fried pork knuckle, clams in chili paste, shrimp with glass noodle, Stir fry morning glory and Stir fry kale. There were many other dishes that looked really delicious and interesting but 4 of us could only consume 5 dishes with steam rice. Their serving portion were appropriate and bill came to 1170baht including beer & water. Am glad we did get to try this restaurant.. and it is hidden within a residential area (we were the only international guests there). Would certainly recommend to those who really want to enjoy delicious Thai food. Finger licking good!


  • Ruan Thip is a bit of a trek from Ao Nang but well worth a visit. Try the deep fried pork leg. Crispy on the outside but incredibly tender on the inside! Service is very efficient and the food is great. The fried sea bass and the pork satay with curry sauce are also very good. Beers were super cold too which was a bonus.


  • Ruan Thip has an extensive menu of traditional and southern Thai dishes. Having eaten there many times, I have never been disappointed. Each dish is always delicious and their portion sizes are generous. Many menu items are unique. Their deep-fried pork leg is famous. Service is quick and pleasant, and the indoor/outdoor seating is comfortable. The restaurant is not fancy, gut it is very good value. It's a bit out-of-the-way but worth taking the time to find it. It gets some tourists but is mostly a Thai restaurant. Most Thais I know would rate it as the best restaurant in Krabi Town.


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  • 人 均: ¥62(来自用户反馈)
  • 菜 系:
    亚洲菜 泰国菜 东南亚菜
  • 电 话: +66 75 632 043
  • 地 址: Pak Nam, Mueang Krabi District, Krabi 81000, Thailand
  • 营业时间:营业中 10:00-00:00
  • 免责申明:*仅提供信息展示,如信息有误请及时联系我们




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