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  • We stumbled across this place walking back to our hotel and were keen to eat with the locals one more time. The environment was si...

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  • We stumbled across this place walking back to our hotel and were keen to eat with the locals one more time. The environment was similar to most local Vietnamese places with rubbish on the floor and basic tables. Remember, this is Vietnam and still a developing country. The owner spoke basic english so was able to explain what was fish, chicken, meat etc and she had a welcoming smile. Food was simple soup with noodles, meat, nuts and herbs but tasty. If you are a backpacker travelling on a shoestring and looking for a cheap but tasty eat then it's definitly worth giving a go. Our two dishes, plus a beer and a coca cola came to $5 NZD.


  • Simply amazed this little street food place is not on Trip Advisor. They do amazing noodle dishes. We had Beef Noodle Soup and Baby Mussel Noodle Soup (possibly snails, we weren't quite sure). Total price 45000VND!! Grand sum of about $AUD 2.50. Backpackers and lovers of street food seek out this place, you won't be disappointed. There is no English menu so maybe take a phone with a translator app or just take pot luck. There doesn't appear to be alcohol for sale.


  • Quan 127 Restaurant Review - 02-23-14 127 Hong Bang St., Tel: (058) 511 668 GPS Coordinates: N12º 14’ 19.4”, E 109º 11’ 30.2” (position format: degrees, minutes, seconds) We found this open-fronted restaurant on travelfish.org but don’t understand why it’s recommended as it’s very average at best. True, it serves the fat noodles (mi quang) but our two bowls of soup were quite average, even with plenty herbs and condiments. The pho really lacked flavor. Here is what we found on the menu posted on the wall if you’re interested in a bowl of pho on your way from the tourist area to Chợ Xóm Mới : Noodle soup with chicken Noodle soup with beef Noodle soup with pork and shrimp Large bowl - 30,000d Small bowl - 25,000d If you’re the least bit hungry, for 5,000d more get the large bowl. They also had a rice and (chopped) mussel dish and a noodle (chopped) mussel dish that we did not try. Com hen (rice with mussels) Find a sample of what the dish typically looks like here: - 20,000d and Bun hen (noodle with mussels). Find a sample of what the dish looks like here: ://vnhow.vn/howto/cach-lam-bun-hen&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dbun%2Bhen%26client%3Dfirefox-a%26hs%3DgZo%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:en-US:official%26channel%3Dsb - 20,000d Banh beo quang nam (small rice cake) - 5,000d If you’re jonesing for a good bowl of Pho, try PHO 70 (see my review)


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  • 人 均: 暂无
  • 菜 系:
    东南亚菜 越南菜
  • 电 话: (058) 511 668
  • 地 址: 127 Hong Bang Street, 芽庄 越南
  • 营业时间:暂无
  • 免责申明:*仅提供信息展示,如信息有误请及时联系我们




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