• 4 分享餐厅
  • 2条点评 | 写点评
  • We were traveling through Heidelberg via train and decided to stop and get dinner before continuing on back home. We were not sure...

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口味 5.0
环境 5.0
服务 5.0
  • We were traveling through Heidelberg via train and decided to stop and get dinner before continuing on back home. We were not sure what to expect near the train station, since it is not in the best part of town. This was like finding a hidden gem. First, the service was very good. Everyone was helpful and very friendly. Second, the menu is rather basic, but they had an amazing selection of daily specials that more than made up for the menu. Overall the food was very good. Everything seemed to be high quality and well prepared. If we end back up in the area, we are going to visit here again.


  • Relaxing, affordable French restaurant off the tourist path in Heidelberg. In fact you have to know where it is to find it.


  • Went to this small restaurant about 122 minute walk from Bismarck plate away from the Old City based on some TA reviews. Very bohemian. Specials posted on the board. No tourists. Part of a small theatre complex not apparent from the street - where the address number should be there is an iron gateway and when you walk into the courtyard the restaurant is around to the right. No sign on the street and the lady in the Thai restaurant on the preceding corner did not seem to recognize the name. The food is good. Mediterranean inspired - mussels, brushetta, good pastas as well as capacious and steaks. Daily specials posted on the board. Waiter/maitre d speaks English. Restaurant is named for Jacque Tati the French filmmaker. Good experience if you want to get away from the tourists


  • 口味:5  环境:5  服务:5    人均消费:120元
  • 在海德堡。超级 daypass 为无与伦比的价格的。食物是非常高的质量和超级快!只有午餐并不总是那么好和大气也需要时间来适应


  • Tati has been around for a long time, and it never disappoints. It's a quirky little place with good food and a laid-back atmosphere. I like going in the winter to enjoy the cozy, small dining space upstairs, and I also love it in the summer when you can sit outside and enjoy the barbecue. There is a small menu plus a rather large number of specials that change daily. The food is mediterranean - a mix of French and Italian, some Spanish dishes. Everything is fresh and well prepared. Very reasonably priced wine list (they are associated with the wine store next door). It's located in a former tobacco factory, an array of old brownstones, with a vintage industrial flair not often found in Heidelberg. They also offer lunch specials, great for a quick, inexpensive meal during the week.


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  • 人 均: ¥180(来自用户反馈)
  • 菜 系:
    法国菜 西餐 地中海菜
  • 电 话: +49 6221 182704
  • 地 址: Bergheimer Str. 139-145 Landfriedgelände, 海德尔堡巴登-符腾堡州 德国
  • 营业时间:休息中 12:00营业
  • 免责申明:*仅提供信息展示,如信息有误请及时联系我们




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