• 4.4 分享餐厅
  • 5条点评 | 写点评
  • Enjoyed the food, and had a window view (sadly more parking lot than park), and visited on a busy night with an event on at State ...

    来自 M30****3741 的点评

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口味 4.0
环境 4.0
服务 4.0
  • Enjoyed the food, and had a window view (sadly more parking lot than park), and visited on a busy night with an event on at State Farm


  • It is a little expensive for a breakfast buffet, but it was oh so good! It has the usual bagels, bread, cereal, oatmeal, pancakes, fresh fruit, yogurt, etc. The highlight was the breakfast bowl. They also have an omelette station. The ingredients slightly changed from day to day, but it was still delicious. The first day we had it included a fried green tomato. The next day did not have the tomato, but it was still good. The staff is outstanding. They work like a well oiled machine. Everyone seems to know their job and do it well. They treat the customers very well. Also, they keep the counters clean and the buffet stocked. The hot food is hot and the cold food is kept cold. It was a wonderful start to our day.


  • I was so surprised that a hotel would have the level of quality food that this restaurant offers. It really is great for breakfast, lunch or dinner.


  • This restaurant is located in the Omni Hotel South Tower. We were seated by the corner windows so we had a great view of the Ferris wheel in all its lighted glory. The restaurant had a fairly large seating capacity but many of the tables were empty. We skipped the appetizers and ordered a seared scallop entree and a filet mignon entree. The "bread" that came to the table was shortbread like biscuits with pecans and peaches and corn muffins both served with a Coca Cola butter. They sounded awesome but fell a little short on taste. Both entrees, however, were on point. Cooked absolutely perfectly and delicious. We both ordered dessert - peach cobbler and chocolate mousse cake. The cake was very dry and unsatisfying but the cobbler was delicious even though they used canned peaches. Our meals plus a cocktail each came to $108 without tip.


  • I was at a conference in Atlanta. I was looking for a place to eat lunch. The restaurant I had wanted to try was closed (it was Sunday) and I noticed this restaurant nearby. I need gluten free options so I checked it out. There was a line so I figured it must be good. The breakfast buffet was still being served and was I happy about that. I had a made to order omelet with everything on it - delicious. There were standard breakfast selections but what caught my eye was an area with gluten free bread and blueberry muffins with a dedicated toaster to use for gluten free items. Fantastic! I rarely see that in restaurants with breakfast buffets. I cannot use a toaster that has been used to toast regular bread because it would cross contaminate the gluten free bread and I would get sick. It is not cheap but it is well worth it. Did I mention the outstanding service?


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  • 人 均: ¥282(来自用户反馈)
  • 菜 系:
    美国菜 西餐
  • 电 话: (404) 659-0000
  • 地 址: 100 Cnn Ctr NW, Atlanta, GA 30303-2762
  • 营业时间:休息中 明天6:30营业
  • 免责申明:*仅提供信息展示,如信息有误请及时联系我们




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