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  • My wife and I stayed in Hostal La Antonia during July/August 2015 and we ate in the restaurante on numerous occasions. The quality...

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  • My wife and I stayed in Hostal La Antonia during July/August 2015 and we ate in the restaurante on numerous occasions. The quality of the food was always excellent as were the staff. Prices are very reasonable. If you are visiting Havana don't miss out on this 'hidden gem'. You will not be disappointed. Excellent in all respects....


  • This little restaurant is a great find! The fruit salad was a steal for $1.50 CUCs and had by far the best fruit during my trip. Excellent service, despite working in two different languages


  • I first discovered this restaurant with classmates while running and trying to find a cup of coffee on a break from my class I was taking at the University of Havana this past May. I returned four times, always loving the experience I had. Havana restaurants as nice as this one usually had inflated prices, but La Antonia, not so. Fair prices, delicious locally made food, and sometimes most importantly, a beautiful covered rooftop type restaurant, after you climb up through the hostel along the beautiful narrow staircases of this old Havana property. It wasn't the restaurant that was my favourite part though. One of the owners, Tania, was beyond friendly and chatty. There was a language barrier as my Spanish was at a basic level, but she pulled out their Slow Food banner, and had a long conversation with my group of friends about how they grew their own produce for the restaurant. Then we just happened to continue running into Tania all over Havana, and one night in a different part of town while searching for a good restaurant for dinner, we again ran into Tania. She took the time out of her night to walk us multiple blocks to what turned out to be one of our favourite restaurant's in all of Havana, in which we returned multiple times.


  • Excellent place. Nice food. Very friendly people. In midtown; easy to find. For me is a pleasant restaurant in the beatiful Havana


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  • 人 均: ¥65(来自用户反馈)
  • 菜 系:
    拉美料理 其他
  • 电 话: +53 7 8735286
  • 地 址: Mazon # 4 1er Piso E/Neptuno Y San Miguel, Havana, Cuba
  • 营业时间:暂无
  • 免责申明:*仅提供信息展示,如信息有误请及时联系我们




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