The Island Bistro

The Island Bistro  

  • 3.7 分享餐厅
  • 3条点评 | 写点评
  • We live on Brickell Key so we were happy to see the Bistro reopen under new management. It was a little disappointing to see that ...

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Paris-Brest , Vegetable Soup With Basil Oil , Pear Creme Brulee , Escargots , Chocolate mousse , Catch of the day , NY Strip



口味 5.0
环境 5.0
服务 5.0
  • We live on Brickell Key so we were happy to see the Bistro reopen under new management. It was a little disappointing to see that they removed the large pizza oven but I guess that wasn't their type of item. The staff are friendly in our experience and attentive to customers. Our experience, and we eat there at least once a month in addition to many meals delivered to our condo, has been very positive and management has always been friendly, noting that we are locals and repeat customers. My one negative is that it seems as though prices are climbing to a point that it is getting a little excessive. I would expect that a high percentage of customers live on the island and enjoy the convenience of walking to a restaurant nearby. That fact might influence the pricing as most residents there are in a high income bracket and less sensitive to pricy meals. There are still some very reasonable items on the menu and we still enjoy and appreciate having the Island Bistro in our backyard.


  • I had a fish sandwich but asked for no bread. Taste was okay but not worth the cost at all. The waiter kept wanting me to order the entree instead of the sandwich but I didn't want that much to eat.


  • Had an amazing lunch there with my husband. Very trendy, great music, drinks, and food was delicious. Highly recommend it!!!


  • My review was wholly accurate. If they did review the tapes, which find highly doubtful, then they would see the bill and tip was paid not by me, but by my companion, my boss who had flown in from California, and expensed our lunch as it was a business lunch. The tip had nothing to do with my experience. Also, no tape at a small restaurant would produce a video with such high quality that you can see each droplet of water. I had eaten after the experience because it is one of the few restaurants on Brickell. However, as a result of such a slanderous response by Laura G Owner, I will never eat at this establishment again nor would I recommend it to any of my colleagues for a business lunch. Another suggestions would be to take the criticism and improve instead of attacking slanderously your patrons. Try to be respectful and honest.


  • 口味:5  环境:5  服务:5   
  • 披萨特别的好吃,料非常的多,很实惠!环境和服务都不错,很到位!价格有点小贵


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  • 人 均: ¥147(来自用户反馈)
  • 菜 系:
    西餐 披萨 酒吧/酒馆
  • 电 话: +1-305-364-5512
  • 地 址: 605 Brickell Key Dr, 迈阿密, FL
  • 营业时间:休息中 明天17:00营业
  • 免责申明:*仅提供信息展示,如信息有误请及时联系我们




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