Pizzeria Il Pomodorino

il pomodorino  

  • 4.8 分享餐厅
  • 6条点评 | 写点评
  • We went there for the view of the cathedral, it was stunning. The pizza we had was Mushroom cheese with Lardo, it may sound exagge...

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Al Pomodorino potrete cenare godendo della vista del duomo, torre del Mangia e basilica di San Domenico di Siena. Verrete accolti in un ambiente caldo e amichevole e potrete gustare una delle migliori pizze di Siena, fatte in forno a legna con i criteri dettati dall'Accademia della pizza napoletana. É possibile mangiare all'esterno anche durante il periodo invernale, l'ambiente viene riscaldato tramite stufe a fungo. Vasta scelta di birre internazionale, vini italiani e champagne. E' consigliata la prenotazione. Prodotti senza glutine però con contaminazione.



口味 5.0
环境 5.0
服务 5.0
  • We went there for the view of the cathedral, it was stunning. The pizza we had was Mushroom cheese with Lardo, it may sound exaggerated if I said it was the best pizza we had ever, but yes, it was!! Let's talk about the service, we only have two people and wanted to try two type of pizza, we requested the waiter ask the kitchen to make a smaller one, we said we will paid the same amount but just don't want to waste the food, but he said "sorry can't do". Later on, guess what! we saw a regular pizza had two type of favor served at the table next to us which sitting two young beautiful lady (well, this is why one star gone) !


  • 👀【锡耶纳,不折不扣的山城】
    锡耶纳位于意大利托斯卡纳地区,依山而建,地势起伏。这座城市给人的感觉层次非常丰富和独特,与其它几座意大利名城非常不同。城市以坎波广场为中心,向外成扇形划分为17个堂区。这一区划自13世纪起再无更改。 😍

    锡耶纳的城市建筑物密集并且具有高度的建筑统一性。淡红色调子的砖块和周围暗蓝灰色的丘陵相协调。除了罗马风格和文艺复兴风格的因素以外,意大利哥特式风格占重要地位。它受到了十字军东征时期东方的影响并且以狭窄的拱廊的形式表现出来。大部分建于13世纪的数量众多的哥特式喷泉增添了锡耶纳的华丽与协调。 🤩

    锡耶纳是一所独特的中世纪城市,它保留了其特色与性质。这里特别推荐三处拍照点,适合拍照能够拍出城市建筑依山而建的层峦叠嶂感。走在古城的街道上,感受到历史和文化的沉淀,不妨在这里停留片刻,感受城市的气息。 😘

    1. 📸 拍照必备!锡耶纳Il Pomodorino披萨店门前的钟楼和建筑,整点报时钟楼摇摆起来,录一个小时候绝对能秀暴朋友圈!

    2. 📷 Convento S. Domenico女修道院旁边的栏杆更适合人像拍摄,地势高,景物大。顺便推荐旁边的la vecchia latteria冰淇淋,小姐姐超nice!试试他们的malaga口味冰淇淋,非常特别!

    3. 🏰 市政厅曼加塔塔顶有400多级台阶,完全的中世纪高塔。在塔顶将锡耶纳一览无余,风景绝美!完美保留了中世纪建筑的锡耶纳,古朴又精致。偶遇的婚礼也是简约温暖,意大利人在新人走出教堂的一刹那将米酒向他们,撒米意味着驱赶噩运和诞下子嗣!

    #出境游好地方 #躺进万水千山里 #慢游意大利 #浪漫意大利 #意大利锡耶纳


  • 锡耶纳是意大利托斯卡纳地区的一座古城,依山而建、地势起伏,是一座不折不扣的山城。也正因如此,这座城市给人的感觉层次非常丰富和独特,与其他几座意大利名城非常不同。古城以坎波广场为中心,向外成扇形划分为17个堂区,这一区划自13世纪起再无更改。

    1.Il Pomodorino披萨店的门前,可以拍出钟楼和建筑一起的照片,如果恰巧整点报时,钟楼摇摆起来,录一个小时候绝对也能秀暴朋友圈。
    2. Convento S. Domenico 女修道院旁的栏杆旁边,更适合相机和人像拍摄,因为地势更高,景物更大。(旁边的la vecchia latteria冰淇淋点非常推荐,小姐姐人非常nice,给我推荐了一款malaga口味的冰淇淋,是一种酒,味道非常特别,值得一试。)

    #出境游好地方 #新开景点大搜罗 #玩转户外


  • This was recommended to us by some locals, and since we had not yet been there we thought we would give it a go. Needless to say, we loved it. The first time we were lucky enough to sit outside- the meal and the view were outstanding. The staff was fantastic, the pizza was super yummy and of course we throughly enjoyed the house red. During our five day stay in Siena, we went back to eat at Il Pomodorino two more times- not only did my husband and I enjoy it so much, our sixteen year old daughter wanted to eat there for her birthday dinner. Even if the terrace dining is full and you must eat inside, you will find it cozy, charming and equally as enjoyable.


  • Great food, good quality and quality-price relationship. Wonderful view! I recommend. Good service, good wifi :)) glad we found this place


  • Great outside seating with a wonderful view of the Cathedral of Siena. Service was friendly, about as fast as I've come to expect in Italy. This was one of the rare restaurants where the sliced bread was actually fresh, rather than dried out. We had a salad (good, fresh greens, tasty) and the four-cheese pizza. The pizza was outstanding, probably the best we've had in Italy. There is indoor seating if it is cold, but the tables are small, hallways cramped, and the music was too loud. The outdoor seating was great, although it was a bit windy and the rain-flap along the edge was bumping me sometimes (just a bit annoying). This is on a side street just downhill from the Basilica di San Domenico. Nice to get off of the main streets.


  • 口味:5  环境:5  服务:5   
  • 晚餐的靠窗座位要提前预定,但去的那天并没有多少客人,整间餐厅并不大,但环境优雅浪漫,非常适合情侣约会或纪念日。


写点评 你曾经游览过这里吗?快来分享你的旅行体验吧~~


  • 人 均: ¥89(来自用户反馈)
  • 菜 系:
    披萨 西餐 意大利菜
  • 电 话: 0577286811
  • 地 址: Via Camporegio N. 13, 53100, Siena, Italy
  • 营业时间:暂无
  • 免责申明:*仅提供信息展示,如信息有误请及时联系我们




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