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Richmond Richmond Hill Sockburn South New Brighton 里卡顿 沃尔瑟姆 Strowan Cracroft Halswell Hillmorton 萨姆纳区 Sydenham Te Onepoto / Taylors Mistake Wainoni Hornby South Islington 阿丁顿 Mount Pleasant Northcote Phillipstown Wigram Moncks Bay 芬达尔顿 Papanui Northwood Ouruhia Bishopdale Brooklands Broomfield Burwood Russley Somerfield Spencerville Yaldhurst 玛依瑞哈 Redwood 圣奥尔本斯 雪利 斯普雷顿 Clifton Hornby Huntsbury Ferrymead Hei Hei McLeans Island Avondale Bottle Lake Cashmere Middleton Bromley Bryndwr Templeton Waimairi Beach Westmorland 林伍德 梅里韦尔 奥帕瓦 Parklands Redcliffs Saint Martins Scarborough Southshore 上瑞里卡顿 伍尔斯顿 Coutts Island 基督城市中心 Edgeware Harewood Dallington Heathcote Valley Hillsborough Kainga Kennedys Bush North New Brighton Avonhead Bexley Burnside Hoon Hay Ilam Marshland New Brighton Avonside Beckenham Casebrook Christchurch Airport 贝尔法斯特 Aidanfield Aranui
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- Under The Red Verandah
- 29 Tancred Street, Linwood, Christchurch 8011, New Zealand
- 人均 ¥91
- Burgers & Beers Inc.
- Colombo Street Sydenham, 基督城 新西兰
- 人均 ¥62
- Strawberry Fare
- 19 Bealey Avenue Calton Mill Cnr, 基督城 新西兰
- 人均 ¥157
- Christchurch Tramway Restauran...
- Welcome Aboard Booking Office Shop 13 Cathedral Junction, 113 Worcester Street, 基督城8011 新西兰
- 人均 ¥445
- Fiddlesticks Restaurant & Bar
- Corner of Worcester Boulevard &, Montreal Street, Christchurch Central City, Christchurch 8013, New Zealand
- 人均 ¥323