

Charlotte Lane Cafe & Crafts
13 Charlotte Lane | Seasonal business in the historic district, Shelburne, Nova Scotia B0T 1W0, Canada
人均 ¥169

游友最爱吃: 海鲜

Lockeport Landing
18 Beech Street, LockeportShelburne新斯科舍 加拿大

游友最爱吃: 其他

The White Gull
58 Water St, LockeportShelburne新斯科舍 加拿大

游友最爱吃: 海鲜

The Beandock
10 John Street, Shelburne, Nova Scotia B0T 1W0, Canada

游友最爱吃: 咖啡店

Sophia's Cafe
115 King St | # 17, Shelburne, Nova Scotia B0T 1W0, Canada

游友最爱吃: 咖啡店美国菜西餐其他西餐

Mr Fish
104 King, Shelburne, Nova Scotia B0T 1W0, Canada

游友最爱吃: 海鲜西餐其他西餐

Scotia Lunch
64 King St, Shelburne, Nova Scotia, Canada

游友最爱吃: 其他西餐西餐

Tim Hortons
85 Ohio Rd, Shelburne, Nova Scotia B0T 1W0, Canada

游友最爱吃: 西式快餐快餐简餐

The Ship's Galley Pub and Eate...
156 Water Street | Sandy Point, Shelburne, Nova Scotia B0T 1W0, Canada
人均 ¥81

游友最爱吃: 美国菜西餐

Aly Kat restaurant lounge
10 Beech st, LockeportShelburne新斯科舍 加拿大

游友最爱吃: 西餐其他西餐亚洲菜美国菜

The Sea Dog Restaurant
1 Dock St, Shelburne新斯科舍 加拿大

游友最爱吃: 其他

A-1 Piarro Pizza
31 King St, Shelburne, Nova Scotia, Canada

游友最爱吃: 西餐披萨其他西餐

The Emerald Light
151 Water Street, Shelburne新斯科舍 加拿大

游友最爱吃: 美国菜

Shelburne Cafe
151 Water Street, Shelburne, Nova Scotia B0T 1W0, Canada

游友最爱吃: 其他

Chez Patrick
138 Water Street, Shelburne, Ontario B0T 1W0, Canada

游友最爱吃: 法国菜西餐

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