• 1 分享餐厅
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  • Truly agree with the previous comment about this place. I still have bad memories about the time that I spent there. Went there la...

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  • Truly agree with the previous comment about this place. I still have bad memories about the time that I spent there. Went there last Friday, my colleagues were already there and I joined them. Never before I saw a place where customers are so neglected! We spent about one hour outside on the terrace after that I decided to leave but to pass before by the bathroom. In my bag I had a bottle of smoothie (fruit pureed drink, that I bought during the day). When I tried to go to the bathroom, security guy asked to see my bag. I opened it without any problem, what happened after I would never forget!! This ‘gentleman’ started to yell on me (!!) as he wanted to know what did I have in my bottle. I was trying to explain him that it is smoothie (what was written on the bottle actually) and that we are sitting on the terrace with my friends and buying the drinks in the bar. He did not let me come inside, he pushed me (!!!!!) always yelling. I was trying to talk to him just in order to understand what is the reason, but two more guys appeared (!!) telling me that I am not allowed to come inside. Each of them were twice bigger than I ! I did not understand what was the reason! I was not drunk, and my poor bottle of smoothie was always in my bag. Now reading the comments I see that I am not the only one who had such an experience in that place. Please be careful coming there, it concerns girls in particular !


  • Paris is soooo full of places its hard to know where to go, this place was good for the post match analysis and a local beer .


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  • 人 均: 暂无
  • 菜 系:
    咖啡店 其他
  • 电 话: +33 1 75 85 15 07
  • 地 址: 46 rue des Lombards, 巴黎 法国
  • 营业时间:暂无
  • 免责申明:*仅提供信息展示,如信息有误请及时联系我们




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