• 4 分享餐厅
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  • There is about a dozen cafes and bistros around Place Felix Eboule in the 12th arrond. I sampled several (Au Metro, Cafe Felix, Le...

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  • There is about a dozen cafes and bistros around Place Felix Eboule in the 12th arrond. I sampled several (Au Metro, Cafe Felix, Le Metro, etc.) and settled quickly on this very typical Paris place. Reasons: 1. Interesting crowd, many locals, ... 2. A nice and English speaking and very diverse staff. Really on top of things but in a very French and unexcited way. 3.The food is surprisingly good - no wonder that they are crowded big-time for their lunch specials. 4.They have free wifi and don't care whether you hang out there and just nurse a double espresso. Or meet with collaborators and work their for hours. So, there you have it ...give it a try.


  • I was staying nearby and had dinner here a couple of nights in a row. The staff were very friendly, and helpful, as I don't read or speak French. On all occasions the food was very well presented and absolutely delicious, and arrived in an acceptable time. Could not have asked better for lovely French dinners.


  • We stayed in an apartment very near this restaurant so when I found good reviews for it I was thrilled. We headed over at 8 p.m. and there were several patrons inside. Our waitress was very spunky - almost argumentative - perhaps not liking to serve English speaking people. I ordered a "special" which was seafood on a stick, rice and vegetables. The seafood was not named and the waitress could not give us a name we recognized either. It turned out to be something very small - about the size of a large pea - and white - tasted like shrimp but wasn't. My dinner was fine - it tasted very simple and was healthy. My husband ordered a different special. The waitress said it was duck and rabbit with a pasta. It wasn't anything like that at all. It is almost undescribe-able. It looked like a dark brown meat pie. Inside it was the same dark brown and there were raisins and dates. I asked the waitress if he had gotten the right dish - and she said brightly "Yes! It is an original creation." I just saw Sweeney Todd and it reminded me of one of the meat pies in the show. My husband, however, said it wasn't bad and ate it. I would say - go if you want to taste food that you can't name, can't recognize, and will not be what you expected.


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  • 人 均: 暂无
  • 菜 系:
    酒吧/酒馆 法国菜 西餐
  • 电 话: +33 1 44 74 94 41
  • 地 址: 6 Place Felix Eboue, 75012 Paris, France
  • 营业时间:暂无
  • 免责申明:*仅提供信息展示,如信息有误请及时联系我们




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