口味 4.8
环境 4.6
服务 4.6
  • We visited Saveur once again on 23 Dec to enjoy their special Christmas Dinner menu. Once again, we were amazed at the food quality and preparation. This is one of the best restaurants in Japan and in my opinion the best in Sapporo. Saveur offers oustanding authentic French cuisine in a lovely small restaurant with proper table setting and cutlery. Service is great and a professional sommelier is available for assistance in selecting wine. Saveur has a fair selection of French wines at very reasonable prices. Indeed, what makes this restaurant so great is that the lack of frills and hidden charges that I have had to suffer at other Sapporo restaurants. Sapporo's only 3 star Michelin restaurant, for example, offers a dessert course that is not included in the charge. We only realized the extra charges after leaving the restaurant feeling somewhat cheated. Other restaurants offer cheese and other "extras" that are introduced to you in a misleading way. You get none of this at Saveur. They are very clear with their customers and explain the menu and charges in a very friendly manner. Wine: We were charged a corkage fee of 1,500 yen to bring our own bottle. This is at the low end of what you will pay in other French restaurants in Sapporo. Extremely reasonable for the quality of service you receive. Bravo! Saveur you are the best!


  • 地        址: 〒060-0063 北海道 札幌市 中央区南3条西3丁目 TM 24 ビル 2F(旧第六桂和ビル)
  • 标        签: 西餐 法国菜 其他西餐
  • 电        话: +81-11-2000375
  • 营业时间: 周四-周日及节假日午餐12:00、13:00两轮就餐,15:00结束午市营业。周二-周日及节假日晚餐18:00、19:00、20:00三轮就餐,20:00最后点餐时间,22:30结束营业。周一休息,如遇节假日可能营业,具体可以电话咨询。




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