• 4.5 分享餐厅
  • 11条点评 | 写点评
  • 真是一颗宝石!我们在Platz Doch享受了最美妙的家庭晚餐!Silva和Vanda像老朋友一样招待我们,邀请我们来家里吃饭。谈话、教育和食物都非常...

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  • 真是一颗宝石!我们在Platz Doch享受了最美妙的家庭晚餐!Silva和Vanda像老朋友一样招待我们,邀请我们来家里吃饭。谈话、教育和食物都非常棒。他们还很擅长照顾我们两岁的儿子,为他准备了特殊的食物,并让他参与了餐食。食物带给我很多童年的怀旧感。而且酒的选择也非常棒!我们迫不及待地想在下一次到柏林时再来!


  • 在这张大桌子上,这种温馨而几乎像家庭一样的氛围让冒险显得相当独特,品尝精致的斯洛伐克和周边地区的风味美食和精选葡萄酒。


  • 来到家里!气氛友好,食物非常棒。我非常喜欢坐下来,只有在已经选择了三道菜单之后才发现,就像被一个朋友邀请去吃饭一样。所有的食物都非常好吃,我一定会推荐的!


  • 惊人的经历!这里有如此可爱和真诚的人们,都是为了分享他们对美食的热爱而来。强烈推荐!食物简单而美味,氛围也非常棒。这真是一个美妙的时刻,你会爱上它的。


  • What a lovely, unforgettable and one of a kind experience we had! A summer-apt and elegant array of fresh and cooked cheeses, dried paprika salami and tomato and paprika relishes, a bread baked with pork scratchings; corn-fed chicken paired with mint and peas. All eaten with some stunning natural wines from Moravia (an “orange” pinot; and a blaufrankisch). Dessert was a sublime rhubarb and strawberry granita, and as a digestive the most multi-dimensional, sublime (apricot) schnapps that has ever passed our lips… [if only to recall the name!]. It is clear Vanda and Sophie put a great deal of attention in crafting and composing their dishes accompanied by carefully chosen wines from central europe from small producers. It's really a lovely experience, the wine may clock up the bill, but where else in Berlin will you have access to such a unique journey of wine and hidden corners of central european gastronomies?


  • The food was delicious. One thing on the menu, local ingredients. The dishes were interesting but in a wholesome and hearty way, not an experimental and showing off way. Lots of attention to detail; the salad dressing had me pausing to appreciate it. We asked for a recommended glass of wine with each course and each one was delicious and distinctive, for each one we got to hear the story about the small-scale producer behind it and their concept in creating that wine. The space was unlike any restaurant I've been to. A big social table in the middle, a smaller table at the side, with the kitchen integrated into the room, the food cooking as you chat. It felt like sitting in the kitchen dining room of some good friends. We felt very welcomed by the two women who own and run the restaurant. The atmosphere was warm, open and informal, but never boundariless or in your face. We talked with them for quite a while about the concept behind the place as we found it so intriguing. It felt as if every aspect of the restaurant: the location, menu, wine list, layout, (even the toilets) had been put together with love, care and attention. We were at one of Berlin's great Michelin starred restaurants a few days earlier, and Platz Doch touched us much more. It would be great if more restaurants were like this.


  • The atmosphere is nice and charming, but we must have stumbled in on the wrong night - 1 year anniversary -. Advertised was a 30 euro all inclusive food + wine tasting (50cl ). The food: one appetizer & one entree, both humble and at the limit of being way too small. No dessert, no coffee. Ended up paying 160 euros in four, for non included (?) wine. Left with a sour, sour feeling. And an empty stomach.


  • An evening at Platz Doch! is an evening at friends. You are not sitting in a restaurant, somewhere in the back - kitchen noises - , waitresses running around, people come and go - no, you are invited and make yourself comfortable on the kitchen desk. Vanda will talk you into some bio-organic Hungarian wine (and tell you many interesting stories about it) while Silvia will smile at you from behind the cooking plate (right next to you) and show you everything that is being processed in the Slovakian gourmet temple. Grab some friends, come on down, the winter time is the best time for some Eastern European Food! 3-course menue for a fixed price, no choices to make, because you are invited at a friends place. Very relaxing ...


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  • 人 均: ¥117(来自用户反馈)
  • 菜 系:
    其他 其他西餐 西餐
  • 电 话: +49-3069567866
  • 地 址: Manteuffelstr. 48, 柏林 德国
  • 营业时间:休息中 18:00营业
  • 免责申明:*仅提供信息展示,如信息有误请及时联系我们




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